Thursday, December 31, 2009


A new decade is upon us, and I feel compelled to talk about it.

Quoting the NY Times ( ''The year that is ending has been difficult for everybody. No continent, no country, no sector has been spared,'' French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on national TV in a New Year's Eve address. ''Even if the tests are unfinished, 2010 will be a year of renewal,'' he added.

I could not agree more! As I look back to my life, I have noticed a pattern in the last decade and a half. The 1980s were about lets get through this cold war, and put it to an end, lets try to recover from this downturn economy from the late 1970s. The 1990s were thus a time where we actually were flourishing! Then the new millennium hit.

As a child, I didn't feel the great economic boom in the 1990s. Mom was going to school, and frankly, I was a child that was protected under my mom's care. As an adult in the first decade of the 21st century, I felt economic hardship all over the place, and the majority of it hit hard in 2009.

Fortunately, this new decade is one of hope and of renewal. 2009 was slightly better than 2010 in some cases, but much worse in others. I imagine 2010 will be financially a feasible year for me (I just hope to get all my bills paid).

Regardless of how many struggles I have been through in the last decade, or the amount of struggles I will go through in the next, they have all and will all make me a better person. I am nowhere near the same person I was in 1999, or even in 2007. I am excited to find out what life will be like in 2019... woo... I'll be 34. *Shivers*

Happy New Year Everyone!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

it's 3:45am and I have to work at 10.

Of course, I'm so worried about it, right?!

I was just thinking about the way things tend to pan out. People come and go in your life, and you don't really understand why they are there. I have many friends that I have met throughout my life that I have not quite understood their purpose. I know it's there, and I am sure if I think aobut it hard enough, I can see why I am there for them, or they are there for me, but never usually both. Beyond the philosophical reasoning, it is nice to have those great friends that you can pick up with, as if they were there yesterday, when over the last year and a half, you haven't spoken more than a few sentences to one another.

It's not to say me and this friend weren't on speaking terms, far from it. It was merely that life had caught up with us both. I was happy when we reminisced of the good ol' days, and then laughed, because that was only a year and a half ago. LOL

It's like we said when speaking, "We're in our mid to late twenties and we are remeniscing about our early to mid twenties"

Good times.

Another thing, are there true friends on the internet? Can you really have a "true friend" that you've never met in person?

I say yes. I say as long as there is that connection, as long as you have the things in common that can make you a compattable friend with another, then a "true friend" can exist via the internet. Anything more may be pushing it...that theory must wait for another time though..